Cat Tales Wildlife Academy is located on a four-acre wooded site north of Spokane, Washington in the rural suburb of Mead. Cat Tales Wildlife Center is arranged for easy access for the public, providing a walk-through pathway near the animal’s exhibits. The exhibits themselves are designed to be as natural as possible. The staff and students spend most of their time outdoors in the Wildlife Center. This provides the best learning environment for animal observations and hands on experience. In-person instruction is held either on the Wildlife Center grounds, or in the main support building which also houses the computer/records room, the natural history museum, and animal support areas including dietary preparation.

Cat Tales Wildlife Academy features an up-to-date facility with a reception area, a computer and animal records room, and a multi-purpose room. Training equipment includes a working Zoological Park featuring large carnivores and native wildlife, all tools and supplies germane to the care and training/handling of the animals, and maintenance of the zoo grounds. The school has a break room for students with a microwave, refrigerator, sink, and tables and chairs. Both male and female lavatories are available. There is parking available. The facility is located 5 miles from the closest public transit. This is an ADA accessible facility with handicapped ramps and lavatories. For both animal and human security, Audio & Video Surveillance Equipment is used throughout the zoo property in both public and staff areas. The maximum class size is 10 and the student/teacher ratio is 10 to 1.

Our Licensing

Cat Tales Wildlife Academy is licensed by the Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board of Washington State. Cat Tales, Inc. is licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), under the Animal Welfare Act, as a Class C exhibitor (All zoos are given that classification.) Cat Tales Wildlife Center is also licensed by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife as a rehabilitation center for native species. CATTALES is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation and a Washington State charitable corporation.